<%# # Application Layout This view template is used as the layout for every page that Administrate generates. By default, it renders: - Navigation - Content for a search bar (if provided by a `content_for` block in a nested page) - Flashes - Links to stylesheets and JavaScripts - The appearance dropdown styles are added to the top to prevent FOUC %> <%= javascript_pack_tag 'portal' %> <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'portal' %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %> <% if content_for?(:head) %> <%= yield(:head) %> <% else %> <%= @portal.page_title%> <% end %> <% unless @theme_from_params.blank? %> <%# this adds the theme from params, ensuring that there a localstorage value set %> <%# this will further trigger the next script to ensure color mode is toggled without a FOUC %> <% end %>
<% if !@is_plain_layout_enabled %> <%= render "public/api/v1/portals/header", portal: @portal %> <% end %> <%= yield %> <% if !@is_plain_layout_enabled %> <%= render "public/api/v1/portals/footer" %> <% end %>
<% if @portal.channel_web_widget.present? && !@is_plain_layout_enabled %> <%= @portal.channel_web_widget.web_widget_script.html_safe %> <% end %>