<% content_for(:title) do %> Settings <% end %>
<% if Redis::Alfred.get(Redis::Alfred::CHATWOOT_INSTALLATION_CONFIG_RESET_WARNING) %> <% end %>

Current plan


<%= SuperAdmin::FeaturesHelper.plan_details.html_safe %>

Installation Identifier

<%= ChatwootHub.installation_identifier %>

Current plan

<%= SuperAdmin::FeaturesHelper.plan_details.html_safe %>

<% if ChatwootHub.pricing_plan != 'community' && User.count > ChatwootHub.pricing_plan_quantity %>

You have <%= User.count %> agents. Please add more licenses to add more users.

<% end %>

Need help?

Do you face any issues? We are here to help.

<% if ChatwootHub.pricing_plan !='community' %> <% end %>


<% SuperAdmin::FeaturesHelper.available_features.each do |feature, attrs| %>
<% if !attrs[:enabled] %> <% end %>

<%= attrs[:name] %>

<% if attrs[:enterprise] %> EE <% end %> <% if attrs[:config_key].present? && attrs[:enabled] %> <% end %>

<%= attrs[:description] %>

<% end %>